Floorish Newsletter 🗣 Beyond Silent Allyship

Welcome to the eighteenth edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. Personal Reflections: A Read more about Floorish Newsletter 🗣 Beyond Silent Allyship[…]

Floorish Newsletter 🏡 It’s coming home

Welcome to the seventeenth edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. Over the past Read more about Floorish Newsletter 🏡 It’s coming home[…]

Floorish Newsletter 💸 Profit over People

Welcome to the sixteenth edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. This week I Read more about Floorish Newsletter 💸 Profit over People[…]

Floorish Newsletter 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 Parental Presence Privilege

Welcome to the fifteenth edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. On our boat Read more about Floorish Newsletter 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 Parental Presence Privilege[…]

Floorish Newsletter 🎭 Code-switching

Welcome to the fourteenth edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. Embarking on a Read more about Floorish Newsletter 🎭 Code-switching[…]

Floorish Newsletter💰 DEI & Salary Transparency

Welcome to the thirteenth edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. Browsing job listings Read more about Floorish Newsletter💰 DEI & Salary Transparency[…]

Floorish Newsletter 🎆 2023 Perspectives

Welcome to the twelfth edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. As you reflect Read more about Floorish Newsletter 🎆 2023 Perspectives[…]

Floorish Newsletter 🚫 Victory for Dutch Far-Right

Welcome to the eleventh edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. The recent Dutch Read more about Floorish Newsletter 🚫 Victory for Dutch Far-Right[…]

Floorish Newletter 🏳️🏴󠁡󠁦󠁷󠁡󠁲󠁿 Choosing Sides

Welcome to the tenth edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. When I first Read more about Floorish Newletter 🏳️🏴󠁡󠁦󠁷󠁡󠁲󠁿 Choosing Sides[…]

Floorish Newsletter 🏡 DEI & Hybrid/Remote Work

Welcome to the ninth edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. Recently, numerous organisations Read more about Floorish Newsletter 🏡 DEI & Hybrid/Remote Work[…]

Floorish Newsletter ⏪ DEI & Trauma

Welcome to the eighth edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. In recent years, Read more about Floorish Newsletter ⏪ DEI & Trauma[…]

Floorish Newsletter 🐻 DEI & Perspectives

Welcome to the seventh edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. Last week I Read more about Floorish Newsletter 🐻 DEI & Perspectives[…]

Floorish Newsletter ⚽ Football Gender Pay Gap

Welcome to the sixth edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. As a passionate Read more about Floorish Newsletter ⚽ Football Gender Pay Gap[…]

Floorish Newsletter 🧑🏻🤝🧑🏿 DEI Networks

Welcome to the fifth edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. Even if you Read more about Floorish Newsletter 🧑🏻🤝🧑🏿 DEI Networks[…]

Floorish Newsletter 👩👩👦 Lesbian Parental Rights

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. Yesterday started like Read more about Floorish Newsletter 👩👩👦 Lesbian Parental Rights[…]

Floorish Newsletter 🧼 Diversity Washing

Welcome to the third edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. In conversations with Read more about Floorish Newsletter 🧼 Diversity Washing[…]

Floorish Newsletter 🤖 AI & DEI

Welcome to the second edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. AI can have Read more about Floorish Newsletter 🤖 AI & DEI[…]

Floorish Newsletter 🌈 Pride Month

Welcome to the first edition of the Floorish newsletter dedicated to providing you with insightful data, ideas and views on diversity, equity and inclusion. In this newsletter, taking no more than 3 minutes of your time, I aim to keep you informed and inspired with thought-provoking content, practical tips and inspiring stories. Let’s dive right Read more about Floorish Newsletter 🌈 Pride Month[…]

How Can Constellations Take DEI to the Next Level?

Introduction In this blog, I will bring together two of my favourite topics: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) and Constellations. Some of you might not be familiar with constellation work. I will use this blog to make it clearer. In my first DEI focussed blog I have already mentioned the potential I saw in using constellations in Read more about How Can Constellations Take DEI to the Next Level?[…]

Become An LGBTQ+ Inclusive Employer

LGBTQ+ at work   Let’s start with some telling facts. In research from Deloitte, McKinsey and Stonewall, LGBTQ+ people shared experiences such as: LGBTQ+ meaning To start with the basics: What does LGBTQ+ identity stand for? (Some people add QIP2SA Questioning, Intersex, Pansexual, Two-Spirited and Asexual.) Personal experiences Since my coming out when I was Read more about Become An LGBTQ+ Inclusive Employer[…]

Strategies to Improve Gender Diversity in the Workplace

In the last couple of months, I talked to many C-level executives, HR directors and talent acquisition managers about their challenges in hiring and retaining women (more inclusively defined, individuals who identify as female). They told me they want to make their workforce more gender-diverse to improve their organisation’s performance, productivity and profit, but don’t Read more about Strategies to Improve Gender Diversity in the Workplace[…]

Employee Resource Groups: Their Evolution, Benefits, Leaders, Methods, Needs, Metrics and Trends

In this blog, I will dive deeper into Employee Resource Groups and their: Evolution, 3 Benefits, 5 Leadership Roles, 8 Engagement Methods, 4 Needs, 8 Metrics & 6 Trends Evolution Even if you haven’t heard of the term Employee Resource Group (ERG) before, you might have still come across networks for underrepresented groups in your Read more about Employee Resource Groups: Their Evolution, Benefits, Leaders, Methods, Needs, Metrics and Trends[…]

My experiences of belonging to 5 underrepresented groups

In this blog, I will share experiences that have led to me becoming part of five underrepresented groups: the LGBTQ community, the expats, people with a health condition, Jewish families and working mothers. One of my new year’s resolutions was to share more personal stories about being a part of underrepresented groups. You might wonder Read more about My experiences of belonging to 5 underrepresented groups[…]

Diversity and Inclusion: What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?

‘Where are you actually from?’ ‘You should meet my friend who is gay too!’ ‘You must be our new intern since you look so young!’ ‘Why do you wear a headscarf?’ ‘It’s so inspiring how you’ve overcome your disability!’ It’s that time again. A topic has been racing through my head. I was led to Read more about Diversity and Inclusion: What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?[…]

Cialdini’s Six Principles of Persuasion Applied to Diversity & Inclusion

I’ve recently read the book Influence: Science and Practice by Robert. B. Cialdini (Professor of Psychology at Arizona State University). In his research, Cialdini attempted to understand how humans make buying decisions.  The key premise of the book is that in a complex world where people are overloaded with information, people rely on generalizations when Read more about Cialdini’s Six Principles of Persuasion Applied to Diversity & Inclusion[…]

Market Research Action Plan

Introduction Market research will help you understand your users. Market research is any set of techniques used to gather information and better understand an organisation’s target market. This information is used to design better products, improve user experience and craft a marketing message that attracts leads. Primary research is information gathered through self-conducted research methods such as Read more about Market Research Action Plan[…]

Community Building Action Plan

Introduction In the fast-paced world of modern technology, building online communities for your customers or members to learn, share, and collaborate is critical for increasing your organisation’s growth and relevance. Successful online communities can help you engage and inspire your audience. Communities do not grow on their own. Different kind of users will be activated Read more about Community Building Action Plan[…]

Business Connecting Action Plan

Introduction Business connecting is modern, authentic networking on a basis of trust and sincere interest. It is not about hardcore selling, simply exchanging business cards or sharing Facebook ads. By applying the 6 steps of Business Connecting you will become visible and attract relevant contacts. The 6 steps give you a strategy to turn your Read more about Business Connecting Action Plan[…]

Theory U Action Plan

Introduction Theory U is a framework and a change management method. The principles of Theory U help you break through past unproductive patterns of behaviour that prevent you from empathizing with other people. This often leads to ineffective patterns of decision making. The theory points out that collectively we perpetuate undesired habits. These habits become visible Read more about Theory U Action Plan[…]

Systemic Constellations Action Plan

Introduction In transformative processes, you often have the frustrating feeling that you know what you want to leave behind but not where you want to go instead. Constellation work exposes you to a glimpse of what a system in a potentially improved future could look and feel like. This process can be very motivating and Read more about Systemic Constellations Action Plan[…]

Groundwork For Attracting New Clients And Talents

Groundwork consists of research that can lead you and your company to strategic choices that will not only have short but also long-term effects. A couple of months ago, a client asked me for advice on their sales, marketing and branding strategy. I noticed something was missing, I had no research and a limited amount Read more about Groundwork For Attracting New Clients And Talents[…]

Systemic Constellation Work in Organisations

Systemic Constellation Work applies to a wide variety of fields: especially psychotherapy and self-development (e.g. ‘family constellations’) and consulting for businesses and other organisations (e.g. ‘organisational constellations,’ ‘management constellations,’ ‘project constellations.’). However, the method also applies to many other contexts (e.g. ‘nature constellations,’ ‘research constellations,’ ‘medical symptoms constellations’ etc.). Several scientific studies have empirically validated Read more about Systemic Constellation Work in Organisations[…]

REMOTE Teamwork

Relax, Exchange, Meet, Organise, Track and Energise Who would have thought? A virus is making us change the way we work. Not a computer virus though… Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, I have been reflecting on what I can do for other people. This week I realized I should do the two things that Read more about REMOTE Teamwork[…]

Facilitating Transformation

Transformative Learning Environments Several weeks ago I went to Amsterdam for a three-day hackathon about transformation. The hackathon centred on the question “how to help adult education trainers design learning environments for students’ transformation.” I was mainly interested in transformation that leads to better awareness, new insights and bold actions. For those of you who Read more about Facilitating Transformation[…]

Berlin, My City of Lost Souls

Loneliness in dating and remote working I have just left the City of Lost Souls. I gave Berlin this name the first week I arrived, after going to an international networking event. There, I noticed most people seemed more interested in dating than in networking, although, at the same time, many seemed to be jobless. During Read more about Berlin, My City of Lost Souls[…]

The Struggles of the Business Connector

It is Time for Acknowledgement of Their Gifts and Time! The Born Connector At school children are still most valued by their ability to learn facts. Once they are a teenager they have to choose their next educational steps, which usually means choosing a study that will help them become a professional in a certain Read more about The Struggles of the Business Connector[…]

Step 6: Offline Visibility

How To Make Yourself More Visible Offline The power of networking, unforgettable presentations and amazing events How can I improve my networking, presentation and organising skills? Prepare yourself for in-person visibility opportunities After having a look at your online visibility, it is now time for your offline visibility. There are several ways to let people, usually locally, Read more about Step 6: Offline Visibility[…]

Step 5: Online Visibility

How To Make Yourself More Visible Online The power of social media I want to use social media in order to be more visible online, how should I start? Social media channels Nowadays, there are a lot of social media on the market. When you want to start using them, you have to decide which ones will benefit Read more about Step 5: Online Visibility[…]

Step 2: Your Story

How Your Story Can Attract Relevant Business Contacts The importance of finding your why What kind of message about my expertise or business will attract the right people? Why your story is so important When talking to people or showing content online, you need to have clarity on which message you want to bring across. Therefore; preparing Read more about Step 2: Your Story[…]

Modern Networking 6 Steps

Modern Networking Explained in 6 Easy-to-Apply Steps Creating a strategy that will move your career and business forward Business — Connecting Business: the conversion of relevant contacts into profitable relationships Connecting: the human connection before a business connection For who? Professionals and businesses who want to become more visible and turn relevant contacts into profitable relationships. You are Read more about Modern Networking 6 Steps[…]

From Jobs to Clients

First I Found Reasonable Jobs, Later On, Amazing Clients Found Me How my Business Connecting skills made this happen How it all started 12 Years ago a friend told me that I should start organising professional networking trainings. I asked her why she suggested this? She told me that what I was doing all the time was something Read more about From Jobs to Clients[…]

It’s All About People

It’s All About People (not money…) 10 Learnings of My First Startup Experience I would like to share a work experience I had a couple of years ago. After some time traveling and working independently I was thinking about my next steps. Would I choose to work in an organization again, or would I try to Read more about It’s All About People[…]

Unleash Leadership

“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”  Margaret Mead A brief intro of our purpose — vision, mission and values. Our vision is to be the global leadership marketplace for learning journeys with individuals, teams and organisations, for greatness and prosperity of all. Read more about Unleash Leadership[…]

Conscious events

If you want to apply conscious event management principles the questions you should ask yourself, your team and your client are: Why are we organizing this event? Which surrounding, look and feel suits best for spreading your message? Why and what would you want to contribute? How do you integrate socially and environmentally responsible decision making? How do you find the best Read more about Conscious events[…]

Full potential employees

How can we enable employees to reach their fullest potential and create a space in which a working community can thrive? A talk with Floor Martens in REVUE – Magazine for the Next Society How can you create a space for the community you describe? “In order to reach a community like this, the first Read more about Full potential employees[…]

Important things in life

She had asked him to desire her, and he desired her intensely, far more than she could imagine, but it wasn’t her breasts or her body, it was her company he desired.  He wanted to put his arms around her and to sit in silence, staring into the fire, drinking wine, smoking the occasional cigarette; Read more about Important things in life[…]

Wellness is…?

Which association pops up in your mind when you hear the word wellness? I asked some people this question and most of them mentioned their physical condition. This is certainly an important aspect of wellness, but not the only one. In my opinion there are five aspects of wellness which, if they are taken good care Read more about Wellness is…?[…]

How to change a habit

This year I have finally visited India. After traveling in Central America, Southeast Asia and Europa I wanted to see this fascinating country I had heard so many travelers talking about.Travelling from north to south I had an amazing time – meeting beautiful people, eating incredibly tasty food, exploring historical monuments and lazily enjoying the beaches. I Read more about How to change a habit[…]

My way and the highway

This month’s theme is personal leadership – my first thought was, great subject to write about, but my first feeling was inconvenience. Why? The last couple of years I have read a lot of books about this subject and done several courses, but still, I feel very insecure about my own personal leadership abilities. Although I Read more about My way and the highway[…]

The source of inspiration

Inspiration, I think we cannot live without it – not in our personal lives and not in our professional lives. I can speak from experience. There are moments in my life in which I can’t find the inspiration I need to move forward. I feel stuck. What I usually do is start searching for things Read more about The source of inspiration[…]

Seeing what really is

I’m sitting on the rooftop of my hotel in India and am looking around. The first thing I see is right in front of me. It’s a squirrel which seems to have doubts about coming closer to me or not. The second thing that catches my eye is a small house made of some wooden planks. The Read more about Seeing what really is[…]


Student In het jaar 2000 startte ik, na te hebben getwijfeld tussen de Koninklijke Militaire Academie, psychologie, rechten, sociologie, film- en televisiewetenschappen en bestuurs- en organisatiewetenschappen, met de studie rechten. Dit leek mij de juiste keuze, omdat ik met deze studie (zo dacht ik) zou kunnen gaan bijdragen aan een rechtvaardigere samenleving. Ik haalde mijn Read more about #UitMijnHokje[…]

Het Nieuwe Samenwerken

Laatst was ik bij een training die startte met de vraag: hoe positief sta jij tegenover Het Nieuwe Werken? Je kon gaan staan op vier stippen van 25%, 50%, 75% en 100%. Veel cursisten gingen op de 50% staan. Het kan bij hen dus nog alle kanten op. Ze gaven aan dat het verdere verloop Read more about Het Nieuwe Samenwerken[…]

Het Nieuwe Werken

Hoe lang kan je iets ’nieuw’ noemen? De term Het Nieuwe Werken duikt al een aantal jaren overal op. Het is echter lang niet altijd duidelijk wat er nou eigenlijk mee bedoeld wordt. Waar het nu écht om gaat, is voor veel mensen toch een raadsel. Deze vraag dwarrelde de laatste weken door mijn hoofd. Read more about Het Nieuwe Werken[…]