Diversity and Inclusion: What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?

‘Where are you actually from?’ ‘You should meet my friend who is gay too!’ ‘You must be our new intern since you look so young!’ ‘Why do you wear a headscarf?’ ‘It’s so inspiring how you’ve overcome your disability!’ It’s that time again. A topic has been racing through my head. I was led to Read more about Diversity and Inclusion: What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?[…]

Theory U Action Plan

Introduction Theory U is a framework and a change management method. The principles of Theory U help you break through past unproductive patterns of behaviour that prevent you from empathizing with other people. This often leads to ineffective patterns of decision making. The theory points out that collectively we perpetuate undesired habits. These habits become visible Read more about Theory U Action Plan[…]

Systemic Constellations Action Plan

Introduction In transformative processes, you often have the frustrating feeling that you know what you want to leave behind but not where you want to go instead. Constellation work exposes you to a glimpse of what a system in a potentially improved future could look and feel like. This process can be very motivating and Read more about Systemic Constellations Action Plan[…]

Groundwork For Attracting New Clients And Talents

Groundwork consists of research that can lead you and your company to strategic choices that will not only have short but also long-term effects. A couple of months ago, a client asked me for advice on their sales, marketing and branding strategy. I noticed something was missing, I had no research and a limited amount Read more about Groundwork For Attracting New Clients And Talents[…]

Systemic Constellation Work in Organisations

Systemic Constellation Work applies to a wide variety of fields: especially psychotherapy and self-development (e.g. ‘family constellations’) and consulting for businesses and other organisations (e.g. ‘organisational constellations,’ ‘management constellations,’ ‘project constellations.’). However, the method also applies to many other contexts (e.g. ‘nature constellations,’ ‘research constellations,’ ‘medical symptoms constellations’ etc.). Several scientific studies have empirically validated Read more about Systemic Constellation Work in Organisations[…]

REMOTE Teamwork

Relax, Exchange, Meet, Organise, Track and Energise Who would have thought? A virus is making us change the way we work. Not a computer virus though… Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, I have been reflecting on what I can do for other people. This week I realized I should do the two things that Read more about REMOTE Teamwork[…]

Facilitating Transformation

Transformative Learning Environments Several weeks ago I went to Amsterdam for a three-day hackathon about transformation. The hackathon centred on the question “how to help adult education trainers design learning environments for students’ transformation.” I was mainly interested in transformation that leads to better awareness, new insights and bold actions. For those of you who Read more about Facilitating Transformation[…]

Berlin, My City of Lost Souls

Loneliness in dating and remote working I have just left the City of Lost Souls. I gave Berlin this name the first week I arrived, after going to an international networking event. There, I noticed most people seemed more interested in dating than in networking, although, at the same time, many seemed to be jobless. During Read more about Berlin, My City of Lost Souls[…]

It’s All About People

It’s All About People (not money…) 10 Learnings of My First Startup Experience I would like to share a work experience I had a couple of years ago. After some time traveling and working independently I was thinking about my next steps. Would I choose to work in an organization again, or would I try to Read more about It’s All About People[…]

Unleash Leadership

“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”  Margaret Mead A brief intro of our purpose — vision, mission and values. Our vision is to be the global leadership marketplace for learning journeys with individuals, teams and organisations, for greatness and prosperity of all. Read more about Unleash Leadership[…]

Full potential employees

How can we enable employees to reach their fullest potential and create a space in which a working community can thrive? A talk with Floor Martens in REVUE – Magazine for the Next Society How can you create a space for the community you describe? “In order to reach a community like this, the first Read more about Full potential employees[…]

How to change a habit

This year I have finally visited India. After traveling in Central America, Southeast Asia and Europa I wanted to see this fascinating country I had heard so many travelers talking about.Travelling from north to south I had an amazing time – meeting beautiful people, eating incredibly tasty food, exploring historical monuments and lazily enjoying the beaches. I Read more about How to change a habit[…]

The source of inspiration

Inspiration, I think we cannot live without it – not in our personal lives and not in our professional lives. I can speak from experience. There are moments in my life in which I can’t find the inspiration I need to move forward. I feel stuck. What I usually do is start searching for things Read more about The source of inspiration[…]

Het Nieuwe Samenwerken

Laatst was ik bij een training die startte met de vraag: hoe positief sta jij tegenover Het Nieuwe Werken? Je kon gaan staan op vier stippen van 25%, 50%, 75% en 100%. Veel cursisten gingen op de 50% staan. Het kan bij hen dus nog alle kanten op. Ze gaven aan dat het verdere verloop Read more about Het Nieuwe Samenwerken[…]