Diversity and Inclusion: What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?

‘Where are you actually from?’ ‘You should meet my friend who is gay too!’ ‘You must be our new intern since you look so young!’ ‘Why do you wear a headscarf?’ ‘It’s so inspiring how you’ve overcome your disability!’ It’s that time again. A topic has been racing through my head. I was led to Read more about Diversity and Inclusion: What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?[…]

Unleash Leadership

“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”  Margaret Mead A brief intro of our purpose — vision, mission and values. Our vision is to be the global leadership marketplace for learning journeys with individuals, teams and organisations, for greatness and prosperity of all. Read more about Unleash Leadership[…]

The source of inspiration

Inspiration, I think we cannot live without it – not in our personal lives and not in our professional lives. I can speak from experience. There are moments in my life in which I can’t find the inspiration I need to move forward. I feel stuck. What I usually do is start searching for things Read more about The source of inspiration[…]