It’s All About People

It’s All About People (not money…) 10 Learnings of My First Startup Experience I would like to share a work experience I had a couple of years ago. After some time traveling and working independently I was thinking about my next steps. Would I choose to work in an organization again, or would I try to Read more about It’s All About People[…]

Unleash Leadership

“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”  Margaret Mead A brief intro of our purpose — vision, mission and values. Our vision is to be the global leadership marketplace for learning journeys with individuals, teams and organisations, for greatness and prosperity of all. Read more about Unleash Leadership[…]

Full potential employees

How can we enable employees to reach their fullest potential and create a space in which a working community can thrive? A talk with Floor Martens in REVUE – Magazine for the Next Society How can you create a space for the community you describe? “In order to reach a community like this, the first Read more about Full potential employees[…]

Important things in life

She had asked him to desire her, and he desired her intensely, far more than she could imagine, but it wasn’t her breasts or her body, it was her company he desired.  He wanted to put his arms around her and to sit in silence, staring into the fire, drinking wine, smoking the occasional cigarette; Read more about Important things in life[…]

Wellness is…?

Which association pops up in your mind when you hear the word wellness? I asked some people this question and most of them mentioned their physical condition. This is certainly an important aspect of wellness, but not the only one. In my opinion there are five aspects of wellness which, if they are taken good care Read more about Wellness is…?[…]

My way and the highway

This month’s theme is personal leadership – my first thought was, great subject to write about, but my first feeling was inconvenience. Why? The last couple of years I have read a lot of books about this subject and done several courses, but still, I feel very insecure about my own personal leadership abilities. Although I Read more about My way and the highway[…]

The source of inspiration

Inspiration, I think we cannot live without it – not in our personal lives and not in our professional lives. I can speak from experience. There are moments in my life in which I can’t find the inspiration I need to move forward. I feel stuck. What I usually do is start searching for things Read more about The source of inspiration[…]

Seeing what really is

I’m sitting on the rooftop of my hotel in India and am looking around. The first thing I see is right in front of me. It’s a squirrel which seems to have doubts about coming closer to me or not. The second thing that catches my eye is a small house made of some wooden planks. The Read more about Seeing what really is[…]


Student In het jaar 2000 startte ik, na te hebben getwijfeld tussen de Koninklijke Militaire Academie, psychologie, rechten, sociologie, film- en televisiewetenschappen en bestuurs- en organisatiewetenschappen, met de studie rechten. Dit leek mij de juiste keuze, omdat ik met deze studie (zo dacht ik) zou kunnen gaan bijdragen aan een rechtvaardigere samenleving. Ik haalde mijn Read more about #UitMijnHokje[…]

Het Nieuwe Samenwerken

Laatst was ik bij een training die startte met de vraag: hoe positief sta jij tegenover Het Nieuwe Werken? Je kon gaan staan op vier stippen van 25%, 50%, 75% en 100%. Veel cursisten gingen op de 50% staan. Het kan bij hen dus nog alle kanten op. Ze gaven aan dat het verdere verloop Read more about Het Nieuwe Samenwerken[…]

Het Nieuwe Werken

Hoe lang kan je iets ’nieuw’ noemen? De term Het Nieuwe Werken duikt al een aantal jaren overal op. Het is echter lang niet altijd duidelijk wat er nou eigenlijk mee bedoeld wordt. Waar het nu écht om gaat, is voor veel mensen toch een raadsel. Deze vraag dwarrelde de laatste weken door mijn hoofd. Read more about Het Nieuwe Werken[…]