The Hague
The Netherlands
The organisation Part-up wanted to investigate business opportunities for their online collaboration platform in co-working spaces in Germany by doing a pilot in a Germany-based co-working space.
Floorish connected Part-up with key stakeholders in the Berlin co-working spaces market and led the implementation of the Part-up platform at a Berlin-based co-working space.
1. Extensive market research including the creation of buyer personas through interviews with business managers of co-working spaces
2. A 3-months test of the platform by a Berlin-based co-working space
3. A report involving clarity on Part-up’s chances on the German market
“Floor is an energetic connector. She has a solid theoretical knowledge of community activation and flexible ways of organising work and practical experience in this field of work. Her network was a valuable asset for our international business development efforts for Part-up in Berlin, Germany.” Ralph Boeije, Co-Founder and CEO