
E-Book: Make Them Know You

Business Connecting

Business Connecting is authentic networking on the basis of trust and sincere interest.

Business: conversion of relevant contacts into profitable relationships
Connecting: the human connection before a business connection

Business Connecting will help you become more visible and attract relevant contacts. The 6 steps will give you a strategy to turn your (new) contacts into profitable relationships and boost your business and career.

The 6 questions answered in this e-book are
1. I hate networking but I want more people to get to know my work, what should I do?
2. What kind of message about my expertise or business will attract the right people?
3. How can I improve the engagement with my target audience?
4. What is the best way to build a solid network of relevant contacts?
5. I want to use social media in order to be more visible online, how should I start?
6. How can I improve my networking, presentation and organisation skills?

Floor Martens

Floor Martens is a creative, forward-thinking and impact-driven business consultant and coach with 15+ years of international experience at corporations, governments, startups and universities.

“I want to provide you with insights and tools that help you or your business become more visible to the right people without you having to spend a lot of money, but by simply practising the 6 steps of Business Connecting. After years of learning and experiencing I feel that it is time to give what I have learned back to the world.”