
Lead Generation Project


MCS Global Ltd


United Kingdom




MCS Global LTD needed to penetrate the competitive Benelux market and position their rental software effectively. They sought the expertise of Floorish to coordinate sales and marketing efforts.


Floorish began by researching the customer journey, buyer persona, and competitive and media landscape. Floorish introduced digital tools for optimised lead generation and created a PR strategy with impactful material for multiple channels.


1. Provided a deep understanding of their target audience and market dynamics through the customer journey, buyer persona and competitive and media landscape enabling strategic decision-making.
2. Implemented advanced digital tools for research, marketing and sales which facilitated data-driven insights and optimised lead generation.
3. Created a PR strategy with impactful material for various channels, which amplified the company’s brand presence and positioning leading to garnered attention, engagement and business growth


“Floor and I worked in sales and marketing for a UK-based software company. We worked in different geographic territories. France had my focus and Floor targeted the Benelux. While working with her I experienced her as very dynamic and full of creative ideas in the areas of marketing and lead creation.”